Thursday, March 19, 2009



Tags: escitalopram

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Author: LawsuitGuru
Keywords: Suicide Antidepressants FDA Young Adults Black Box Label Psychiatric Disorder Drug Reaction
Added: May 2, 2008

My husband was diagnosed with MS in January 2007. He is taking Provigil (modafinil) for his fatigue and Lexapro (escitalopram) for depression.

Author: ehowhealth
Keywords: prescription drugs medicine side effects of generic pharmacies
Added: February 20, 2009

Medication may provide some benefit for older adults with anxiety disorder 21 jan 2009--Preliminary research suggests that use of the drug escitalopram provided some improvement in symptoms for older adults with generalized anxiety disorder, although the overall benefits were diminished because of nonadherence to the drug by some patients, according to a study in the January 21 issue of JAMA. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), one of the most common psychiatric disorders in older adults, is

Author: vampiper
Keywords: lextor lexapro escitalopram 10 mg medicacion medication locura illness baile dance grease vaselina
Added: December 17, 2007

Ferrara, lì 10 dic. 2008 Gentili signori, innanzi  tutto  vorrei farVi tantissimi complimenti per il sito, mi ha colpito tanto la gentilezza e professionalità delle Vostre risposte. Io sono una donna di 32 anni e vorrei tanto avere una gravidanza, ma ho mille dubbi e paure. Mi spiego meglio: sono in cura da diversi anni con antidepressivi per attacchi di panico caratterizzati da agorafobia e paura di perdere il controllo e solo in questi ultime sei mesi sono migliorata grazie ad un neu


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